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French Foreign Legion History

French Foreign Legion History

A Detailed Overview

Early Days

The Foreign Legion traces its origins to 1831 when King Louis Philippe authorized the formation of a force of foreign volunteers to serve in Algeria. The Legion quickly gained a reputation for its toughness and bravery, and it played a key role in the French conquest of North Africa. Also, in the Franco-Prussian War, in World War I, and World War II.

The Colonial Era

During the colonial era, the Foreign Legion was deployed in various parts of the French empire, including Algeria, Morocco, Madagascar, and Vietnam. The Legion's missions ranged from combat operations to peacekeeping duties, and it often faced difficult and dangerous conditions.

Modern Era

After the end of the colonial era, the Foreign Legion continued to serve in a variety of roles, including peacekeeping operations, counterterrorism missions, and humanitarian assistance. The Legion has also been deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other conflict zones around the world.


The French Foreign Legion has a long and distinguished history, spanning over 180 years. The Legion has fought in countless battles and conflicts, and it has earned a reputation for its toughness, bravery, and professionalism. Today, the Legion continues to serve as an elite military force, and it remains one of the most respected and admired units in the world.
